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Article 334. Nullity of a juridical act contravening law, public order or good morals

(1) A juridical act or a clause which manifestly contravenes public order or good morals are void.
(2) A juridical act or a clause which contravenes a mandatory legal provision are void or avoidable if this sanction is explicitly provided for by the violated legal provision (express nullity).
(3) A juridical act or a clause which contravenes a mandatory legal provision that does not explicitly provide for this sanction is void or avoidable if this sanction must be applied to achieve the purpose of the violated legal provision (virtual nullity / implied nullity).
(4) The provisions of this Article apply to the extent that the violated legal provision that does lay down a sanction for its violation other than that of nullity of the juridical act or of the clause.
(5) A breach of a mandatory provision of a normative act subordinate to a law (Act of Parliament) may be relied upon as a ground for nullity of a juridical act solely where such provision meets the requirements of Article 1 paragraph (2) and of Article 4.


Articolul 2164. Grounds for inheritance

Article 1. Scope