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Article 18. The Owner’s Obligations

(1) An owner must act in good faith and respect the legitimate interests of other owners in their relations with each other and with the association.
(2) An owner must use the unit ensuring good neighborly relations with other owners, including in terms of adhering to the operational norms of the unit. The owner must tolerate the use by other owners of their units with the same attitude of good neighborliness.
(3) An owner is obliged, at their own expense, to maintain in good condition and timely repair the unit they own, in accordance with and respecting the legislation on construction quality.
(4) With three days’ notice, the owner is obliged to:
a) allow access to the unit for representatives of the association, suppliers of networks and/or public electronic communication services, providers of intermediary services, and services contracted individually by the owner when it is necessary to inspect, repair, or replace elements of the common property or infrastructure associated with public electronic communication networks that can only be accessed from that unit. For the immediate prevention or removal of the consequences of an accident or natural disaster, notice is not required;
b) allow access to the unit for representatives of providers of intermediary services and services contracted individually by the owner for verifying the correct installation and operation of the measuring equipment for drinking water and domestic hot water, natural gas, thermal energy, and for reading the indices;
c) allow access to the unit for representatives of suppliers of networks and/or public electronic communication services for the prevention or removal of the consequences of natural disasters or for removing network disturbances, in order to ensure the continuity of supply of networks or electronic communication services.
(5) It is forbidden for owners and those occupying the unit to carry out, both in units and in common parts, activities prohibited by the condominium regulations, activities that damage property or are unsanitary, harmful to health, dangerous, or illicit.
(6) An owner is obliged to ensure compliance with the provisions of paragraphs (1)-(5) by their family members, tenants, other persons using the unit, as well as their visitors.
(7) An owner must organize the administration and maintenance of the unit in their absence.
(8) If an owner or a possessor of the unit has caused damage to other owners or third parties, the owner is obliged to repair the damage in accordance with the legislation.
(9) For the purposes of applying Articles 2015 and 2016 of the Civil Code No. 1107/2002, the condominium owner is responsible for their unit, and the association is responsible for the common parts. The association’s responsibility for the common parts constitutes an expense that is allocated to the condominium owners, except where the association has the right, according to the law or contract, to recover this expense from another responsible person.
(10) Owners of buildings at risk of damage are obliged to take measures to reduce the risk of the building collapsing. The same obligation applies to the association.

LPA C civ, art. 29 [Statutory Building Right over Public Rent and Royalty]

Article 100. Making of Registrations and Notations