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(in alphabetical order — in respect of the annotations in Romanian)

Views expressed by authors are private scientific opinions and do not constitute the opinion of the institution where they study or work. Please review the legal notice below for details.

Octavian Cazac (editor)

PhD, Associate Professor at the Private Law Department, Faculty of Law, Moldova State University;
Partner at Țurcan Cazac, b.a.a.


annotations: multis

Oleg Efrim, av.

Lecturer at the Private Law Department, Faculty of Law, Moldova State University
Attorney at Law, Managing Partner Efrim, Roșca și Asociații


annotations: Articles 1979, 1980, 1982-1989

Inga Grecu-Stavila

LLM, deputy head of the Cadastre Department, Public Services Agency


annotations: Article 433

Andrei Rogac

LLM – Queen Mary University of London, MA – Kings College London;
Partner at Ghertescu Rogac


annotations: Articles 320 & 997(1)

Marinela Șeremet

BA, Faculty of Law, Moldova State University


annotations: Articles 907, 909, 913

Artur Tarlapan

LLM, PhD Candidate, Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Moldova State University


annotations: Article 358

Mihai Triboi

BA, Faculty of Law, Moldova State University


annotations: Article 187