Dear Readers,
This is a construction site.
There are several reasons behind it.
Firstly, because for some time I receive questions from all kinds of practitioners in respect of the text of the modernized Civil Code, and I thought that we would all have to gain if annotations to frequent problems would be published. Readers will gain knowing that there is a place where they can find answers to questions (or may be not). Authors will gain from the fact that they will no longer need to answer the same question over and over. Many questions and legal dilemmas keep repeating.
Secondly, I am frequently asked “When will there be a Commentary to the Civil Code?”, and my typical reply is: “Whenever one will appear, please let me know, so I could buy a copy!” In my discussion with faculty colleagues I understand there is a common desire to dedicate a few years (yes, it does take years) to write such a work. But it requires financing. Financing is being sought. But until a true Commentary comes along, I decided to launch this platform with more modest writings, called “Annotations.” Essentially these are my notes and the notes of other authors who wanted to contribute to certain texts of the Moldovan Civil Code. Everything you see on this website is made independently, without any financial assistance. No author requested or received any remuneration for his or her contribution. This website will always remain free of charge. I do hope that in the future, everyone’s contributions can be integrated into a larger collective work which will amount to a true “Commentary.”
In the table of contents for each Book of the Civil Code, the note ADN indicates that the article has an annotation. The website also has an English version, whose main purpose is to furnish an English translation of the text of an article (less, of an annotation). In the table of contents in English dedicated to each Book of the Civil Code, the note eng indicates that the article has an English translation.
Thirdly, sometime my fingers keep running on the keyboard to write certain legal or non-legal thoughts. So far I was using Facebook. I decided to move to another level, and include a personal blog on this website.
I hope this site will be useful for you.
Octavian Cazac, dr. av.