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Ask a question about the Civil Code

Using this form you can contact the editor of animus.md to raise a question about the Civil Code, express an opinion or offer a useful piece of information, either as a suggestion for correction or a relevant case from transactional, notarial or judicial practice.

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  • the editor reserves the discretion to publish or not an annotation;
  • the editor acquires a full free, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive and transferable licence over the annotation provided paternity of the author is complied with (the author may request a final removal of her or his name from the list of authors of the annotation);
  • annotations are written collectively, and coauthors my change at any time and without any reason;
  • any annotation may be edited (modified, altered) or excluded at any time and without any reason;
  • the contribution meets the formatting used on this website and complies with ethical and legal rules (including anti-plagiarism and copyright);
  • other terms accepted by the author.