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Article 1658. Solidary liability towards the creditor

(1) To the extent that several security providers have secured, through suretyship, the performance of the same obligation or the same part of an obligation, or have assumed obligations through independent personal security for the same security purpose, each security provider assumes within the limits of that security provider’s undertaking to the creditor solidary liability together with the other security providers. This rule applies even if the security providers assumed the security through separate juridical acts and even if they were unaware of the existence of other security providers.
(2) The provisions of paragraph (1) apply accordingly where both personal and proprietary security have been established in favor of the same creditor. For the purposes of this Section, the providers of proprietary security are considered security providers.

LPA C civ, art. 29 [Statutory Building Right over Public Rent and Royalty]

Article 10. Components of a Condominium