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Article 1853. Review of the claim for indemnification

(1) The insurer shall take all reasonable steps to promptly review the claim to be indemnified based on an insured event.
(2) The claim shall be deemed to have been accepted unless the insurer rejects it or postpones its review by written notice specifying the reasons for the decision to reject or postpone it, sent within one month, unless otherwise provided by law or contract, from receipt of documents and other information relevant to the review.
(3) The insurer is entitled to:
a) participate, in the absence of the insured and independently of its will, in the examination of the circumstances of the insured event;
b) submit to the relevant institutions requests for information, notices and petitions that would relate to the circumstances of the alleged insured event;
c) challenge, as the case may be, in the court the decisions adopted regarding the establishment of the fault of the insured in the occurrence of the insured event. The challenge in court of the decision on establishing the fault of the insured does not exclude his fault until the judgment becomes final, the insurer being obligated to pay the indemnity within the due date set out by law or in the insurance contract.

Articolul 2164. Grounds for inheritance

Article 1. Scope