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Article 201. Powers granted by the supreme or supervision body

(1) The supreme body of a legal person or its supervisory body (the board) may, by resolution, authorize a third party (with or without the right of delegation) to act on behalf of that legal person in order to enforce the resolution of such body. In this case, the authorized third party holds powers without it being required to obtain powers from the administrator. The minutes that include the resolution of the grant of powers amounts to a power of attorney issued by such legal person.
(2) The provisions of para. (1) apply in particular if the administrator is in a conflict of interest with respect to the adopted resolution, such as:
a) conclusion or modification of the contract between the administrator and the legal person;
b) carrying out the official investigation, suspending the administrator or applying other similar measures;
c) dismissal;
d) liability towards the legal person;
e) fulfillment of the publicity formalities in order to operate the changes regarding the legal person in the public register provided for by law.

LPA C civ, art. 29 [Statutory Building Right over Public Rent and Royalty]

Article 10. Components of a Condominium