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Article 45. The Obligation to Ensure Emergency Interventions

(1) The association’s administrator is required to ensure the taking of measures and the carrying out of interventions on the common parts, to the extent strictly necessary, to:
a) prevent risks to people’s lives or health or to their property;
b) prevent risks to the integrity or safety of the condominium;
c) remedy a deterioration of the common parts.
(2) The association’s administrator is authorized to conclude transactions and to make the necessary payments for the association to acquire goods, works, or services provided for in paragraph (1), without the need to obtain the approval of another body of the association (except in cases where, according to the association’s charter, the conclusion of such transactions requires the approval of their terms and conditions by the general meeting of owners), provided that, at the date of the transaction, the association has sufficient funds for the respective purchase.

LPA C civ, art. 29 [Statutory Building Right over Public Rent and Royalty]

Article 10. Components of a Condominium