(1) The following constitute common parts: a) the plot of land, within the established boundaries, on which the building and its annexes are located, composed of both the built-up area and the unbuilt area, which, according to the nature or purpose of the building, ensures…
Article 10. Components of a Condominium
The following may be organized in the form of a condominium: a) a plot of land with one or more buildings containing two or more units and common parts; b) a plot of land with a residential ensemble consisting of several individual houses and/or buildings…
Article 9. Dissolution of the Condominium
The condominium is dissolved: a) if all units have become the property of one owner, upon their request, in accordance with the legislation on the formation of immovable property; b) based on the technical file prepared and a contract concluded in writing, under the penalty…
Article 8. Amendment of the Condominium Establishment Act
(1) The act of establishment of the condominium may be amended only by an amendment act concluded by the owners who hold two-thirds of the shares in the condominium, provided that the planned amendments do not contravene the legislation regarding construction quality and do not…
Article 7. Organization of Condominium Owners
(1) Under the conditions of this law, condominium owners are organized into an association. (2) The resolution for the establishment of the association is adopted, as appropriate: a) at the stage of the condominium’s establishment, according to Article 5; or b) at the stage of…
Article 6. Registration of the Condominium in the Immovable Property Register
(1) The condominium is established from the date of registration in the immovable property register based on the act of establishment or on other grounds provided by law. (2) The exclusive ownership right over the units and the common ownership right arise through their registration…
Article 5. Establishment of the Condominium by the Act of the Owner or Co-Owners of the Land
(1) The condominium is established based on the act of establishment concluded by either the sole owner or all co-owners of the land, and if there is one, of the building located on that land. If there is a surface right over the land, the…
Article 4. Grounds for the Establishment of the Condominium
The condominium is established: a) on the basis of the act of establishment of the condominium, in accordance with this chapter; or b) on other special grounds, provided by chapters VI and VII of this law or by the Law on the Cadastre of Immovable…
Article 47. The Audit Committee (Auditor)
(1) The general meeting may appoint one or more auditors. (2) The auditor is elected from among the members of the association and cannot be a first-degree relative of the administrator. (3) If more than one auditor is appointed, they form the audit committee. The…
Article 46. The Association’s Council
(1) The general meeting may designate a council to oversee the activities of the administrator and to exercise other responsibilities provided by this law. Additional responsibilities of the council may be set out in the association’s charter. (2) Each member of the council may request…