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Article 16. Legal remedies for civil rights

(1) Subject to the law, civil rights are protected by:
a) recognition of the right;
b) reinstatement of the situation existing prior to the violation of the right and prohibition of actions which violate rights or create the risk of their violation;
c) declaration of nullity of the juridical act;
d) declaration of nullity of the act adopted by a public authority;
e) specific performance of obligations;
f) self-help;
g) reparation of pecuniary loss and, in cases provided by law, of non-pecuniary loss;
h) collection of default interest or, as the case may be, of penalties;
i) termination of amendment of contract;
j) denial by the court to apply an act adopted by a public authority which contravenes the law;
k) other remedies provided by law.
(2) The remedies set out in paragraph (1) may be relied upon to the extent that the requirements set out by law and, if applicable, the juridical act are met.

Article 904. Excuse due to an impediment

Article 1. Scope