(1) The association’s administrator is required to ensure the taking of measures and the carrying out of interventions on the common parts, to the extent strictly necessary, to: a) prevent risks to people’s lives or health or to their property; b) prevent risks to the…
Article 44. The Association’s Administrator
(1) The association’s administrator may exercise, on behalf of the association, the responsibilities provided by this law from the date of their registration in the state register of legal persons. (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), by way of the resolution of appointment, the…
Article 43. The Meeting with Special Interest
(1) Certain owners, determined by an objective criterion (all owners from a condominium when the association has members from several condominiums; all owners from a stairwell; all owners of storage rooms; all parking space owners; all owners who have access to a certain service or…
Article 42. Void and Voidable Resolution of the General Meeting
(1) The resolutions of the general meeting are void or voidable in the cases and conditions established by Article 202 of the Civil Code No. 1107/2002. (2) If the majority of the condominium owners have expressly consented to the resolution of the general meeting, whether…
Article 41. Conduct of the General Meeting in a Mixed Form
(1) The general meeting can be conducted in a mixed form. In this case, some owners may express their vote by participating in an in-person general meeting in accordance with the provisions applicable to the conduct of in-person general meetings, while others may do so…
Article 40. Conduct of the General Meeting by Correspondence
(1) The general meeting can be conducted by correspondence. In this case, the association’s body or the owners who have legally convened the general meeting send a notification to the owners indicating the agenda and the deadline set for voting. Attached to the notification are…
Article 39. The Minutes of the General Meeting and Communication of Resolutions
(1) Within 10 days from the date of the general meeting, minutes must be drawn up, which must contain: a) the name and registered office of the association; b) the date and place of the meeting; c) the total number of members and the number…
Article 38. The Voting Rights of the Owner
(1) The charter establishes the voting system at the general meeting: a) the exclusive ownership of one unit grants the owner one vote at the general meeting, with equal weight to the votes of other owners (one unit = one vote); or b) each exclusive…
Article 37. The Vote Required for Passing Resolutions
(1) The resolutions of the general meeting are passed with more than 1/2 of the votes of the owners present or represented at the meeting. In the case of a general meeting by correspondence or in mixed form, the resolutions of the general meeting are…
Article 34. The General Meeting and its Authority
(1) The general meeting is the supreme governing body of the association and is comprised of all the condominium owners. (2) The resolutions of the general meeting, when passed according to the legal requirements, are binding on all condominium owners, including those who did not…