(1) The policyholder shall be entitled to terminate a life insurance which does not attract a conversion value or a surrender value, provided that the termination does not take effect earlier than 1 year after the conclusion of the contract. The right to terminate before…
Article 1896. Revocation Period
A contract of life insurance may be revoked within 30 days as of the delivery of the insurance policy.
Article 1895. Insurer’s Pre-contractual Information Duties
(1) The insurer shall inform the applicant about whether he has a right to participate in profits. The receipt of this information must be acknowledged by an explicit statement contained in a document separate from the application form. (2) Before entry into the contract, the…
Article 1894. Applicant’s Pre-contractual Information Duties
(1) The information to be provided by the applicant in accordance with Article 1837 para. (1), shall include those circumstances of which the person at risk was or should have been aware. (2) The sanctions for a breach of pre-contractual information duties under Articles 1838,…
Article 1893. Disclaimer of the inheritance
Where a beneficiary is an heir of the deceased person at risk and has disclaimed the inheritance, the sole fact of disclaimer does not affect his position under the insurance contract.
Article 1892. Assignment or Encumbrance
(1) Where a beneficiary has been irrevocably designated, an assignment of or encumbrance on the insurance contract or the right to the insurance money by the policyholder shall be without effect unless the beneficiary has consented in writing. (2) An assignment of or encumbrance on…
Article 1891. Beneficiary of the Surrender Value
(1) Irrespective of a designation under Article 1890, the policyholder may also designate a beneficiary of the surrender value, if any, and may change or revoke such designation. The designation, change or revocation shall be made in writing and be sent to the insurer. (2)…
Article 1890. Beneficiary of the Insurance Money
(1) The policyholder may designate one or more beneficiaries of the insurance money and may change or revoke such designation, unless the designation has been declared irrevocable. The designation, change or revocation, unless made in a will, shall be made in writing and be sent…
Article 1889. General
(1) In case of life insurance, the obligation of the insurer or the payment of premium depends upon an insured event that is defined exclusively by reference to the death or survival of the person at risk. (2) “Person at risk” means the person on…
Article 1888. General
(1) In case of accident insurance, the insurer undertakes to pay the insurance money, established in accordance with the insurance contract, to the beneficiary of the insurance on the occurrence of the insured event. (2) The object of the accident insurance is the patrimonial interests…