(1) By entering into a reinsurance contract: a) the reinsurer obtains premiums in exchange for which it contributes, under the obligations it assumed, to covering the indemnity which the reinsured is paying on occurrence of the event that formed the object of the reinsurance; b)…
Article 1826. Coinsurance
(1) Coinsurance is the operation by which to or more insurers cover the same risk, each undertaking a portion of it. (2) Each coinsurer is liable towards the insured only to the extent of the amount for it undertook under the contract.
Article 1825. Plurality of subjects
An insurance contract may stipulate one or several insureds, beneficiaries or persons at risk.
Article 1824. Insurance of Fixed Sums
(1) Insurance of fixed sums includes life insurance and other insurances. (2) In case of insurance of fixed sums the insurer is bound to pay a fixed sum of money on the occurrence of an insured event. The sum to be paid by the insurer…
Article 1823. Classes and Types of Insurance
Classes and types of insurance are established by special law.
Article 1822. Insurance Contract
(1) Under an insurance contract a party (the policyholder) undertakes to pay to the other party (the insurer) a premium, and the insurer undertakes to pay the insured, the beneficiary or, as the case may be, to the victim a monetary performance (insurance money or…
Article 2397. Partial acceptance and partial disclaimer prohibited
The acceptance or the disclaimer may not be limited to part of the share of the inheritance. The acceptance or disclaimer of a part of the share in the inheritance is ineffective. Annotation: Origin of the rule: §1950 BGB
Article 2398. More than one share of the inheritance
(1) A person who is entitled to more than one share of the inheritance may, if the entitlement is based on more than one ground, accept one share of the inheritance and disclaim the other. (2) Where the entitlement is based on the same ground,…
Article 2399. Inheritability of the right of disclaimer
(1) The right of the heir to disclaim the inheritance is inheritable (inheritance transmission). (2) If the heir dies before the expiry of the period for disclaimer without having exercised it, the period does not end before the expiry of the period for disclaimer laid…
Article 501. Guarantees of ownership
(1) Subject to the law, ownership is inviolable. (2) Ownership is guaranteed. Nobody may be forced to surrender its property unless for public utility cause for adequate and prior indemnity. Expropriation is subject to the law. (3) For works of general interest, a public authority…