(1) A personal security may be dependent (suretyship) or independent. (2) Suretyship is the obligation of the security provider (surety) which is assumed in favor of a creditor for the purpose of securing the obligation owed by the debtor to the creditor (the secured obligation)…
Article 1666. Limiting the Suretyship with Time Limit
(1) A surety who has provided a suretyship whose scope is limited to obligations arising, or obligations performance of which falls due, within an agreed time limit may after three years after the suretyship became effective limit its effects by giving notice of at least…
Article 1665. Creditor’s Obligations of Annual Information
(1) Subject to the debtor’s consent, the creditor has to inform the surety annually about the secured amounts of the principal obligation, interest, and other ancillary obligations owed by the debtor on the date of the information. The debtor’s consent, once given, is irrevocable. (2)…
Article 1664. Nature of the Surety’s Liability
(1) If no maximum amount of the suretyship is stipulated, whether a global suretyship or not, it is considered that the surety’s obligation is limited to the maximum amount of the principal secured obligation at the time the suretyship is assumed. Such a suretyship will…
Article 1663. Creditor’s Pre-Contractual Duties
(1) Before a suretyship is granted, the creditor has a duty to explain to the intending surety: a) the general effect of the intended suretyship; and b) the specific risks to which the surety may according to the information accessible to the creditor be exposed…
Article 1662. Scope of Application
(1) Any personal security provided by a consumer security provider in favor of a creditor that is a business is subject to the provisions of this Section and, additionally, to the provisions of sections 1, 2, and 4. (2) A personal security is not subject…
Article 3. Principal Definitions
For the purposes of this law, the following terms have the following meanings: administrator of the association (also referred to as the administrator) – a person designated as the executive body of the association who, for the purposes of Article 177 of the Civil Code…
Article 2. Laws governing Condominium
The law of condominium is a part of civil law and includes this law, Law No. 75/2015 on Residences, the Civil Code no. 1107/2002, and other pieces of legislation in this field.
Article 1. Scope
(1) This law governs: a) the property relationship in a condominium; b) the organization of condominium owners in an association; c) other legal relationships related to the relationships provided for in sub-paragraphs (a) and b). (2) This law also governs the simplified mechanism of passing:…
Condominium Law: Article 36. Conduct of a General Meeting
(1) A general meeting held by presence or in a mixed form is conducted on the day, at the time, and in the place indicated in the convocation notice sent to each owner. The body of the association or the owners convening the general meeting…