(1) The procedure and requirements of publicity are established by law. (2) The satisfaction of publicity formalities may be required by any person, even if a minor or an adult protected by a judicial measure of protection. (3) Any waiver or restriction of the right…
Article 413. Subject-matter of publicity and ways it is achieved
(1) Rights, acts, and facts relating to the status and capacity of persons, relating to property belonging to them, as well as any legal relationships are subject to publicity in the cases explicitly provided for by law. (2) The publicity mentioned in paragraph (1) is…
Article 2590. Applicable Law for the Protection of an Adult Natural Person
(1) Measures for the protection of an adult natural person or someone who has otherwise legally acquired full capacity to exercise rights are subject to the law of the state where the person has their habitual residence at the time the protection measure is established.…
Article 2589. Name
(1) A person’s name, its use, and protection are governed by their national law unless otherwise provided by this Code or other laws. (2) Protection against actions that infringe on the right to a name, committed on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, is…
Article 2588. Capacity to Exercise Rights (Active Capacity) of a Natural Person
(1) The capacity to exercise rights (active capacity) of a natural person is governed by their national law. (2) A person who does not have full capacity to exercise rights under their national law cannot invoke this circumstance if they have capacity to exercise rights…
Article 2587. Capacity to Enjoy Rights (Passive Capacity) of a Natural Person
(1) The capacity to enjoy rights (passive capacity) of a natural person is governed by their national law. (2) Foreign citizens and stateless persons have the same capacity to enjoy rights in the Republic of Moldova as citizens of the Republic of Moldova, except in…
Article 2586. National Law of a Natural Person
(1) The national law of a citizen is the law of the state of which the natural person is a citizen. (2) If the natural person holds two or more citizenships, the national law is the law of the state with which the person has…
Article 2585. Observance of Rights Acquired in Another State
Rights acquired in another state are observed in the Republic of Moldova if they do not manifestly contravene the public policy of the Republic of Moldova.
Article 2581. Public Policy (Ordre Public) of the Republic of Moldova
(1) The application of a foreign law is excluded if it manifestly violates the public policy (ordre public) of the Republic of Moldova. In such cases, the law of the Republic of Moldova shall apply. (2) The application of foreign law manifestly violates the public…
Article 2584. Retorsions
The Government of the Republic of Moldova may establish counter-restrictions (retorsions) concerning the pecuniary rights and non-pecuniary personal rights of the citizens and legal persons of those states where there are special restrictions on the pecuniary rights and non-pecuniary personal rights of the citizens and…