(1) If, at the date of entry into force of this Chapter, the land is owned by the state or an administrative-territorial unit, and on the land are situated two or more residential buildings which, separately, meet the definition of a condominium (especially if the…
Article 97. Particularities of Privately Owned Lands
(1) If, at the date of entry into force of this Chapter, the land is owned by one or more individuals and/or legal entities other than the state or administrative-territorial unit, Articles 88 and 89 apply with the following exceptions: a) the land does not…
Article 96. Delimitation of Ownership over Immovable Property
The provisions of this Chapter, especially those of Article 88 paragraphs (5) and (7), Articles 90, 91, 95, and 98, are applied in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 29/2018 on the Delimitation of Public Property.
Article 95. Particularities of Lands Owned by the State or Administrative-Territorial Units
(1) If, at the date of entry into force of this Chapter, the land is owned by the state or an administrative-territorial unit and its area exceeds by more than 10% the ground surface area of all buildings in that condominium, Articles 88 and 89…
Article 94. Protection of Holders of Contractual Rights of Use
(1) If, at the date of entry into force of this Chapter, a person holds a lease right over a part of the land for the operation of a temporary garage or a building with a purpose other than residential, its right will remain valid…
Article 93. Protection of Third-Party Owners’ Rights
(1) If, at the date of entry into force of this Chapter, a person holds exclusive ownership over a building or other construction, in which no isolated rooms with distinct cadastral numbers are formed (electric substations and other objects from the energy and telecommunications complex;…
Article 92. Assignment to the Public Domain of Common Use Spaces Related to Condominiums
(1) If, after the transfer of ownership over the land under Article 88 paragraph (2) or Article 89 paragraph (2), the state or, as appropriate, the administrative-territorial unit retains ownership of lands intended for the common use of the owners of one or more adjacent…
Article 91. Condominium Owners’ Right to Extend the Land Area
(1) If, based on Article 88 paragraph (2) or Article 89 paragraph (2), the land has ceased to be the property of the state or administrative-territorial unit, and the building in the respective condominium has a residential purpose, the association is entitled to request from…
Article 90. Particularities of Lands and Buildings with a Non-Residential Purpose of Central and Local Public Administration Authorities
(1) If, at the date of entry into force of this Chapter, the building had a non-residential purpose and belonged to the state or administrative-territorial unit, Articles 88 and 89 apply with the following exceptions: a) the land does not form part of the condominium,…
Article 89. Establishment of the Condominium in Buildings Put into Operation After the Entry into Force of this Chapter
(1) The land, the building put into operation after the entry into force of this chapter, and isolated rooms within the building registered with a distinct cadastral number are declared condominiums by virtue of this law from the date of their operation and registration of…