(1) In addition to other cases provided for by law, provisional registration may be sought: a) if the acquisition of the registrable right is subject to a condition precedent or subsequent, including if, an arrest or prohibition is applied in respect of the registrable right…
Article 431. Ranking of priority and their substitution
(1) If several limited proprietary (jus in rem) rights encumber the same registered right, the ranking of priority (ranking) between them is determined based on the succession in time of their registration. (2) The ranking may subsequently be substituted by the making of corresponding mentions…
Article 430. Action for making of a registration
(1) If a person obligated to transfer, establish or modify for the benefit of another person a registrable right fails to perform the obligations required for the registration in the register, the entitled person may seek from a court an order for the making of…
Article 429. Registration based on the obligations of the deceased
A registration grounded on the obligations of the deceased may also be made after the registrable right was registered on the name of the heir, provided the heir bears these obligations.
Article 428. Persons from whom registrable rights can be acquired
(1) Registration of the acquisition of a registrable right may be made solely: a) if it acquired from the person who, at the date when the registration application is lodged, is registered as the holder of the right that is being transferred or encumbered; or…
Article 427. Situation of the bad-faith third party acquirer
(1) The person that was entitled, by a validly concluded juridical act, to apply for registration to its benefit of a registrable right may seek from a court to order the registration of its right and deletion from the register of a competing right or,…
Article 426. Concurrence between third party acquirers from the same transferor
(1) In case if two or more persons were entitled to acquire, by acts entered into with the same holder of a registered right, rights which are mutually exclusive, the person who first filed the application for registration of its right will be treated as…
Article 425. Establishment or transfer of registrable rights without registration
(1) A registrable right is established or transferred without registration in the publicity register provided by law based on inheritance, dissolution of a legal person that holds the registered right, natural accession, forced sale, public utility expropriation, and other cases explicitly provided for by law.…
Article 424. Constitutive character of the register
(1) Unless the law provides otherwise, registrable rights are established, transferred, encumbered with real rights only through registration in the register provided by law, based on the act or fact which grounds the registration under law. (2) Unless the law provides otherwise, real rights are…
Article 423. Application of substantive and procedural law
Applications for registration, provisional registration, notation or deletion, regardless when they have been lodged, are to be resolved under the substantive law in force on the date when the act was concluded or, as the case may be, on the date of the making or…