(1) When concluding the contract, the applicant shall inform the insurer of circumstances of which he is or ought to be aware, and which are the subject of clear and precise questions put to him by the insurer. (2) The circumstances referred to in para.…
Article 1836. Increase of the premium
If an insurer, acting under a contract term regarding the updating of the premium, increases its rate, the policy holder is entitled to the termination of the insurance, subject to one-month’s prior notice. Increases that do not exceed 10% of the premium do not entitle…
Article 1835. Insurance period and duration of insurance
(1) The insurance begins with the first hour of the first day and ends on the 24th of the last day of the agreed insurance period, unless the law or the contract provides otherwise. (2) A term stipulating that the insurance period starts at a…
Article 1834. Opposability of defences
If an insurance policy is issued by name, at bearer or on order, the insurer may raise against the holder of that policy all defences it holds against the against the original insured. Defences may not be raised if the new holder of the policy…
Article 1833. Establishment of rights and obligations in the case of mutual insurance
(1) Persons may insure their property on mutual principles, by association, on the basis of free consent, in mutual insurance companies. (2) The certificate of participation in a mutual insurance company may establish the rights and obligations of the members by reference to the deed…
Article 1832. Obligation to furnish documents
(1) The insurer is bound to provide, together with the insurance policy, copies of the policy holder’s application. (2) If the terms of the insurance policy differ from those in the policy holder’s application or from any prior agreement between the parties, if the insurer…
Article 1831. Insurance policy
(1) The insurer is under an obligation to send to the policy holder a counterpart, signed by it, of the insurance policy. (2) An insurance policy shall indicate: a) the name, domicile or registered office of the contracting parties; b) as the case may be,…
Article 1830. Conclusion of the insurance contract
(1) For the conclusion of an insurance contract, a policy holder submits to the insurer an application or a questionnaire (the policy holder’s application) in writing, indicating his interest in the insurance or orally stating that it wishes to enter into an insurance contract. The…
Article 1829. Insured risk and insured event
(1) The insured risk is one or more future events or phenomena, possible but uncertain, provided by the insurance contract, to which the life, health or patrimony of a person are exposed. (2) It is prohibited to ensure: a) unlawful interests; b) the loss suffered…
Article 1828. Non-Discrimination
(1) The use of gender (including pregnancy or maternity) as a factor in the calculation of premiums and benefits shall not result in differences in individuals’ premiums and benefits insurance law provides otherwise. (2) Race, color, nationality, ethnic origin, tongue, religion or convictions, opinions or…